All > App Development
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1 |
Chapter 1: Getting Started with AutoCAD 1.1 Introduction to CAD/CAM and overview 1.2 installing AutoCAD and signing up to Autodesk account 1.3 Starting the Software 1.4 User Interface |
Week 1 |
2 |
1.5 Working with Commands 1.6 Cartesian Workspace 1.7 Opening an Existing Drawing File 1.8 Viewing Your Drawing 1.9 Saving Your Work |
Week 2 |
3 |
Chapter 2: Basic Drawing and Editing Commands and object types 2.1 Drawing Lines 2.2 Erasing Objects 2.3 Drawing Vertical and Horizontal Lines |
Week 3 |
4 |
2.4 Drawing Rectangles 2.5 Drawing Circles 2.6 Drawing Arcs |
Week 4 |
5 |
2.7 Drawing Polylines 2.8 Editing Polylines 2.9 Undo and Redo Actions |
Week 5 |
6 |
Week 6 |
7 |
Chapter 3: Projects: Creating a Simple Drawing and making changes 3.1 Create a Simple Drawing 3.2 Create Simple Shapes 3.3 Selecting Objects for Editing |
Week 7 |
8 |
3.4 Moving Objects 3.5 Copying 3.6 Rotating Objects 3.7 Scaling Objects 3.8 Mirroring Objects 3.9 Editing with Grips |
Week 8 |
9 |
Chapter 4: Organizing Your Drawing with Layers 4.1 What are Layers? 4.2 Layer States 4.3 Changing an Object’s Layer 4.4 Object properties and object look up |
Week 9 |
10 |
CHAPTER 5: Advanced editing Commands. 5.1 Trimming and extending objects. 5.2 Stretching object 5.3 Creating Fillets and Chamfers 5.4 Offsetting Objects 5.5 Creating Arrays of Objects |
Week 10 |
11 |
Week 11 |
12 |
Chapter 6: Working with Annotations 6.1 Adding Text in a Drawing 6.2 Modifying Multiline Text |
Week 12 |
13 |
7.1 Dimensioning Concepts 7.2 Adding Linear Dimensions 7.3 Adding Radial and Angular Dimensions 7.4 Editing Dimensions
Week 13 |
14 |
Week 14 |
15 |
Chapter 8: Printing Your Drawing 8.1 Printing Concepts 8.2 Printing Layouts 8.3 Print and Plot Settings |
Week 15 |
16 |
Week 16 |
17 |
Week 17 |
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Week 18 |
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Week 19 |
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Week 20 |